Binary hex table

In the binary hext table I mabe table of binary, of the 10 base, and hex. First I did the binary because that was the most confusing and I wanted to start with the hard one first. Then I was able to do the easy one and relax. It was great wokring with a teamate at the begining of the project by spliting half the work. Although the table was easy I sitll at small probblems.

Makeing the binary hex table I had many problems when I was making a table and I had problems on how to use glitch. Problems that I had about the hex table was trying to meorize the order of the the binary table. This gave me problems because it sometimes had me confuse on where I was at and some of the number look similar. Another problems was trying to manuver around glitch because I did not know how to move one project to another. This cause some problems because I started to make multiple projects that I didnt need and it made me think that I had to restart all over again. Although I was able to solve this problems by asking my peers.

Initial Research Articles

The initial research articles was me researching about current technology. We had a group of 3 and we read three different article with three different technology. This made learning the three different technology more faster. We then had to make a summary of the article to give it to our peers. The article that i read was stuff that I didn't how the system work and it was called crytocurrency.

What I was reading and learning was crytocurrency. Crytocurrency is about transaction happening online. What suprise me was that you don't need a bank to do a transaction. I learn in the crtocurrency that there are two things taht you need to do an transaction. A green key and a red key because a green key tell the system that you sign the transaction. The red key is a your signature for the transaction. Crytocurrency is a brand new way to do an transaction online.

Straw Structure Essay

In my project, I was making a bridge made out of straws. I and three other students were trying to make a bridge by using tape to attach, scissors to cut the tape or some straws and the base was the table. The goal was to make the bridge long and stable by using the straw to hold up the bridge. Overtime when we were making the bridge, we were making ideas that would be helpful to make the bridge. One of my idea was to use under the table to make the straws stop bending because as your bridge get longer, the further straw won't have anything to hold it up so gravity would be pulling it down. Our group had problems when we making the bridge and when we were making the bridge. The problems that we had were people touching our stuff and throwing it away in the garbage. I and my group bridge were thrown away by another class so we had to start the bridge again. What was worse was that none of our group had a picture of our old bridge so we had to try our best to redo again as much as we can. So, unfortunately, our bridge was no finish but we made more ideas to make the bridge better after our bridge got thrown into the garbage.

My program scratch

In my prgogram it will be reminding the students homework that they have for school. The goal of this program is to make sure that the students know when their homework is due. So what I did was made a calendar that let the sutdents see when their homework due and I made a sprite that show up on the screen telling them when it due. I let the person decide when the homework it going be due by clicking a plus sign on calendar so when the person click on it it will asign to that date. I made this program because I had problems with remebering my homework. The problems that i have that i discover when making this program was having to have was some spirtes did not hide it self when i ask you hide.The way I handle is by making a new sprite that that is blank that would cover the sprite and tell that sprite to hide or show to reveal the sprite behind it.

Articles that I read

The article that I read was about 3d printing that prints objects in three dimensional shape. The 3d printer works by fusing or depositing materials so it when it prints, it going to be making multiple layers of it.This can also make make living organs with the 3 printer. 3 printer is making people see that we human are advancing to new technology that we might be able to make organs for people.

Another article that I read was agumented reality. This article was talking about ar system and how it could be use. The ar is use by putting a device on your head or holding it then it will let you see the outside world but with graphics on it. This help people with Ar by being aware of the outside world and at the same time having fun with it. An example of this is pokemon go which let you see the pokemon in the world. Google sky map aswell use ar to improve the audience view. Overall the ar system will help let us see our reality having graphics on it floting around.

The spaceship

In the spaceship program we were trying to recreate a spaceship model that was given to us. We had to colobarate with a parnther by one writing down the code and the other one navigating the person on what to do. The program by letting us make rectangle and ellipse and lines that we could decide on it location, and on it size. The challeges that we face was trying to put the shape in the right location and the right size. The problems were handle by moving the shapes x or y cordinate little by little until it was on the right location. These codes purpose is to make the shapes andd I write down the cordniate on where it going to be.

How a computer is setup

How the transaction system work

What I was reading and learning was crytocurrency. Crytocurrency is about transaction happening online. What suprise me was that you don't need a bank to do a transaction. I learn in the crtocurrency that there are two things taht you need to do an transaction. A green key and a red key because a green key tell the system that you sign the transaction. The red key is a your signature for the transaction. Crytocurrency is a brand new way to do an transaction online.

Zombie game

In this is project I made my spaceship by using javascript. Javascript let me create shapes and placing the shape in any location of the canvas by using the x,y cordinate. The program work by writing the code for a shape and then putting the cordinate and the size in the parathesis. Some shapes requires more than one cordinate and not the size such as the triangle. In javascript I can also make a line which is not a shape but it requires two cordinates.

In my program I ran into multiple problems and later I was able to solve the problem. The problem that I had in the program was trying to find a ship to make and doesn't take allot time to make it too. I solve this problem by picking a spaceship from starwars that is not big and something that I will enjoy making. Another problem I face was the triangle took to long to make and I could't make a absraction to make it easier because it only has x,y cordinate and not size. I solve this problem by making the triangle be in the last step of my spaceship so I don't waste allot time on it. I was able to solve my problems which help me to make my work much easier.

Making my spaceship mean I needed an algorithm to make it. In the top picture you see my code that made part of my spaceship. The comments that I wrote help me to identify which code is for which step. Ship1 function was to to make bottom part of the ship. I then put a code of middle1 which made the middle of the ship connecting the point of the front ship and to the piolt seat. Then I added the triangles so I don't waste allot of time. In the other sub algorithm I had to make another rectangle behind the piolt which will then be attached to the wings.

In the program I had to make code reapeat so I was putting abstraction in my coding to make it more esaier. In the above picture I had to make abstraction that was called ship1, middle1,back and more. The abstraction organize my coding because instead of a large reaptive code in my prgoram by using abstraction it help it organize by putting the large reapeated code in a single code. This makae it easier to see your program and not have a mess in it. In my abstraction I put the rectangles in abstraction since I knew I would be using it allot.


Zombie Scratch Game

In my program I madea a game that you had to sruvive waves of zombbie. You are a survivor that is trying to defend off the zombies and your base was being attack by zombies. This is not the full version of the game but it only a part of the game that I imagine. There will be different type of zombies that you will face. Soon you will face off with a boss battle that will throw big rocks at you and you have to dodge it. In order to defeat the boss you have to damge is arms

Factorio Day1

In day 1 I was suppose to start to learn on how to play factorio. I also had to learn tips to help me improvement in greater pace by using websites to learn. In the game I needed to get stated by using the tips and tricks taht I learn on my research. I was going to get stated by spawning in the world of factorio and trying to gain material for my character survival. I would then later improve on my machines that would gain material by making tracks for my ore.

Factorio Day 2

“Official Factorio Wiki.” Official Factorio Wiki,
In day two we were having problems with the electricity because we didn't know

Factorio Day 3

In day 3 I made the research and we started to research. We first research a turrnet for protection from any monster that came to our base. Then we
Factoriostuff. “Map Gen and Research Queue.” Factorio Stuff, 3 Mar. 2019,

Factorio day 3

In factorio I was progessing my research for transportation and stated to make my production building to electrical machines rather than coal.


Moving Ball project

In this project we were given a program of moving balls. We had to change the color of the ball and the background. I first change the background first into red. Then i change the balls into purple,yellow and then green. This would give me an apprentance by changing the color and putting in my profolio.